Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Special Note...

With the economy gone to pot as it has, it seems that everyone is reconsidering their spending habits, and rightfully so. Clothing and accessories that are not absolute necessities are one of the things most people are cutting back on. There is a phrase being used, and while it makes me want to smash something, there really isn’t a good alternative: recessionista. I know, awful right? But for now, it will have to work. It’s the girl that wants to look good, but has to do so on a budget. She is a fashionista in the throes of a recession (or near-recession). In light of this, Sparkle’s next few posts will be dedicated to reworking things you already have, with a few small purchases.  

And if you know of an alternative to “recessionista”, please let me know. 

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