Saturday, November 8, 2008

Recessionista, Part I

As is evidenced in many previous posts, I love tights. They can turn a simple dress into an adorable “look”. Here is a great thing for all of you “recessionista’s” (cringe): you can get a pair of tights for about $10, and they are the perfect way to transform your summer dresses into something appropriate for the colder weather.  Neutral, solid dresses look great with brightly colored tights—my favorite is magenta, but any color will work. If your dress is white, I suggest wearing black tights that are a little thicker knit. (Check to make sure you can’t see your tights through your dress!) Patterned dresses look super cute with either A) black tights (think Zooey Deschanel) or B) colored tights. If the dress is a pretty busy/intense pattern, black is probably the way to go. If you choose to go with colored tights, look for a pair that draws out one of the less prominent colors on the dress. You can wear heels or flats with any of these looks; heels look best if the dress is any longer than just-below the knee. Layer a long sleeved t-shirt or slim turtleneck under your dress, or a cardigan on top (or do both if it’s really cold!). You’re all set! 

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