Thursday, September 20, 2007

My sister Ace...

...and I have this thing we do when we spend time together. Its called shopping. Maybe you've heard of it?
Anyway, on one of our shopping expeditions this summer, we went to the Rack, the bane of our saving-accounts existence. Here, after perusing for upwards of an hour, we hauled our piles of clothes to the fitting rooms. As I pulled off a shirt that I thankfully didn't purchase, I heard Ace call to me for my opinion. She was wearing a pair of gray Seven jeans, and I recoiled in disgust. I told her that she should never even admit to trying those hideous things on, I mean who wears gray jeans? Probably the same kind of people who wear leg-warmers. She disagreed, but being the good sister she is, she trusted me, and reluctantly put them back.
About a week ago I woke up completely obsessed. My Stylist had visited me in my sleep, and I had dreamed about an item of clothing that I could not get out of my head. Before I left my dorm, I looked to see if I could find any online. By the time I got to chapel, I already had at least three outfits in mind that would look fantastic with my new Must-Have. I thought about it all through my morning classes, and couldn't stop talking about it at lunch. When my friends could no longer stand my endless chatter, I resolved to call Ace. She would understand a fashion obsession.
“Ace, I've become obsessed with something. I just have to find some! I am trying to figure out if I can just not eat this weekend so I can buy some”
“Oooo Madge what is it?”
“Grey jeans. What do you think?”